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Henry Gray Hurricane Lake WMA

Zone County
310 White, Woodruff

Mobility-Impaired Access

Flood Prone Region

AGFC Camping Permit Required

Waterfowl Season Access Restrictions

15-Inch Inside Spread or 18-Inch Main Beam Rule

Factory Exhaust Only

Shell Limit (25 shells max per hunter)

HP Restrictions

Water Trail (paddling allowed)

Waterfowl Hunting Ends at Noon

Acres: 17,524

2024-25 Closed Seasons

  • Bear
  • Alligator
  • Turkey Firearms (youth turkey hunt available)

2024-25 Crow

Sept. 1, 2024-Feb. 17, 2025. Open Thursdays through Mondays only. No limit.

2024-25 Deer

Deer Archery: Sept. 7-9 (one buck only); Sept. 28-Feb. 28.
Deer Alternative Firearms (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23.
Deer Modern Gun Special Youth Hunt: Nov. 2-3.
Deer Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13.
WMA Deer Bag Limit: Three deer, no more than two bucks, which may include:

  • Two bucks with archery,
  • Three does with archery,
  • One buck and one doe with alternative firearms permit,
  • One buck and one doe with modern gun permit.
  • During youth hunt, youths may take three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.

Deer Notes:

  • 15-inch inside spread or 18-inch main beam rule.
  • No dogs.

2024-25 Quail

Nov. 1, 2024-Feb. 2, 2025. Daily limit – 6, possession limit – 12.

2024-25 Rabbit

Sept. 1, 2024-Feb. 28, 2025. Daily limit – 8, possession limit – 16.

2024-25 Squirrel

May 15, 2024-Feb. 28, 2025. Dogs allowed. Daily limit – 12, possession limit – 48.

2024-25 Waterfowl

Waterfowl Notes:

  • No boats allowed Nov. 16-22, Dec. 3-9 and Dec. 24-26.
    Exception 1 – When the main gate at Mitchell Corner is open, boats are allowed on the following waters:
    • Bollie Pond, Big Hurricane Lake (to include Little Hurricane), Big Bell Lake (to include Little Bell),
    • Three Sisters Boat Trail from Mitchell Corner main boat ramp to Glaise Creek.
    • Glaise Creek from the WMA’s north boundary to the main water-control structure at Whirl Lake.
    Exception 2 – When the main gate at Mitchell Corner is closed, boats are allowed on the following waters:
    • Glaise Creek (to include Glaise Creek access trail 2 from Mitchell Corner north boat ramp to the creek channel) from the WMA’s north boundary to the
    main water-control structure at Whirl Lake.
    • Three Sisters Boat Trail from Mitchell Corner main boat ramp to Glaise Creek.
  • Closed to all access (except in designated campsites, parking areas, boat launch ramps and boat staging areas) from 2-4 a.m., Nov. 23-Jan. 31 and Feb. 8-9.
    Boats may only be launched in boat staging areas after 2 a.m. and must remain occupied between 2-4 a.m.
  • No boats allowed from 1 p.m. to 4 a.m. Nov. 23-Dec. 2, Dec. 10-23 and Dec. 27-Jan. 31.
    Exception 1 – When the main gate at Mitchell Corner is open, boats are allowed from 1-6:30 p.m. on the following waters:
    • Bollie Pond, Big Hurricane Lake (to include Little Hurricane), Big Bell Lake (to include Little Bell), Whirl Lake, Honey Lake, Willow Pond and Mallard Pond.
    • Three Sisters Boat Trail from Mitchell Corner main boat ramp to Glaise Creek.
    • Glaise Creek from the WMA’s north boundary to the main water-control structure at Whirl Lake.
    Exception 2 – When the main gate at Mitchell Corner is closed:
    • Glaise Creek (to include Glaise Creek access trail 2 from Mitchell Corner north boat ramp to the creek channel) from the WMA’s north boundary to the
    main water-control structure at Whirl Lake.
    • Three Sisters Boat Trail from Mitchell Corner main boat ramp to Glaise Creek.
    Exception 3 –Boats are allowed from 1-6:30 p.m. Jan. 31 and Feb. 8-9.
  • Closed to all access (except in designated campsites, parking areas, boat launch ramps and boat staging areas) from 2-4 a.m. Nov. 23-Jan. 31 and Feb. 8-9
    (except in the White River and Little Red River).
  • No boat motors larger than 50 horsepower or airboats during duck season.

2025 Turkey

Youth Hunt: April 12-13. One legal turkey.

About the Name

Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake was formerly called Hurricane Lake WMA. In 1985 the name was changed to Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake WMA primarily due to Mr. Gray being instrumental in the initial purchase of the area. Records show the first owner of most of the land was Singer Sewing machine Company, which in turn sold this land to Fisher Body Company in the early 1930. In 1941, the area was made into a game refuge.


Access can be gained by taking US highway 64 east from Bald Knob for 5 miles, where one will see the Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake WMA road sign. Turn right at this sign onto the county road, stay on this road for 4 miles and it WILL enter directly into the area. Access to the south side of the area can be gained by taking state highway 36 east from Searcy to Georgetown. This highway will run through part of the area approximately 1 mile east of Georgetown. Access can also be gained by turning left on the gravel county road approximately 10 miles east of Searcy at the Georgetown water tower, where Nimmo Access sign is located. Follow this road for approximately 3 miles, take the first gravel road to the right, and follow 1 mile to camping area and WMA boundary.


The area was established as a WMA in 1958.

Area Notes

  • A free annual General Use Permit (WMP) is required to hunt or trap on WMAs. Permits are available online by clicking “Buy Licenses” at or by calling 833-345-0325 or any regional office.
  • Check antler restrictions for important additional information.
  • Area closes to deer hunting when the White River gauge at Augusta exceeds 26 feet and the White River gauge at Georgetown exceeds 14 feet, and will remain closed until the gauge falls to 14 feet or below at Georgetown. Call 833-345-0398 to check if roads are closed before heading out to hunt, fish or camp.
  • For access restrictions that affect all users during waterfowl season, check the waterfowl guidebook.


There are 35 campsites available to the public on the WMA. All sites are primitive and are maintained by area personnel. The sites are marked by signs and/or ringed by blue paint and are located at the following places: Bolie Pond, along the entrance road, headquarters, Three Sister Lake, along Glaise Creek, Honey Lake, Whirl Lake, Big Bell Lake, Big Hurricane Lake, Willow Pond, White River, Holland Beach, Red Rivers Boat Ramp, Mud Pond Slough, Mallard Pond, at Nimmow Access Area, Cypertês Bluff, Spanish Grant, Deep Bank Slough and at Georgetown Access Area. No other accommodations exist.


The area consists of 17,000 acres of prime bottomland hardwoods habitat. The area has numerous sloughs and flats throughout and several ridges. Elevation ranges from 190 to 210 feet above sea level. The White River bound the WMA on the east and the Little Red River separates approximately 4,000 acres from the main body of the acreage. Glaise Creek is another main tributary located on the area. The WMA also has several oxbow lakes, the main ones being, Big Hurricane, Little Hurricane, Big Bell, Little Bell, Whirl lake, honey Lake, Big Brushy and Mallard Pond. Fishing opportunities and hunting and camping use make this WMA one of the most heavily used WMAês in the state. It is the third-largest state-owned management area.

Hunting Opportunities

Hunting for black bear and turkey is closed on this WMA, with the exception of permit youth hunt for turkey. Deer — there is an increasing population and the opportunity to harvest a bragging size buck is better than average. Gun and muzzleloader hunts are by permit only, but archery and crossbow seasons are the same as statewide. Waterfowl — this area has several water control structures put in place to manage water for wintering waterfowl. Hunting is usually good if the right water conditions exist. Small Game — Cottontail rabbit and squirrel populations tend to fluctuate somewhat. Generally there is a good population of each about every 3 years. Swamp rabbit hunting is better than average but also tends to be cyclical. Quail -It is classified as poor. The opportunity to do extensive quail management on this area just does not exist. Furbearers, raccoons and mink are the main furbearers sought after on this area. The season and regulations are the same as statewide. Hunting and trapping are both legal. Check WMA regulations pamphlet for particulars on hunting and trapping of furbearers on that part of the area designated as waterfowl rest areas.


This area is in White County, 5 miles east of Bald Knob and 3 miles south of state highway 64.

Management Practices

Controlling water on this area is a number one priority. In early fall, water control structures are closed in an attempt to catch and hold runoff water from fall rains. This is done to make the area more attractive to migrating waterfowl. In March, structures are reopened and dewatering begins. After this area drains as much as the river stages will allow, personnel begin removing beaver dams to get rid of water standing on green timber. Approximately 8,000 acres are flooded and drained. Forest habitat management for wildlife is an on going practice on the WMA. Each year approximately 500 to 600 acres are cruised, marked and cut to improve the composition and diversity of the forest and increase the quality of the habitat for forest wildlife. Each year area personnel plant approximately 30 acres of food plots. Future plans are to establish food plots in clover and other perennials. One 60 acre-field will be reforested in hardwoods.


Purchases were made by the AGFC from 1958-1970.




This land was purchased to obtain and preserve wildlife habitat in an area where the bottomland hardwoods habitat type was being converted to farmland at a rapid pace. The WMA now serves as a wintering area for waterfowl and it is managed primarily for deer and waterfowl and secondarily for small game.

Recreation Other Than Hunting

Fishing attracts more people to the WMA than any other activity. The area has 11 fishable lakes available to the public. Ranging from 3 acres to 33 acres. The species most sought after are black bass (primarily largemouth), crappie and bream. There are also good opportunities for trotline and net fishing in White and Little Red rivers, with channel and flathead catfish and buffalo the most sought after species. The area is rich in birdlife and opportunities exist for visitors to see more than 80 different species of birds during the right time of the year. Opportunities exist for visitors to see unique wetland areas such as cypress tupelo brakes and mature bottomland hardwood trees.

Restaurants and Other Facilities

Bald Knob is the nearest town with restaurants, motels and places to obtain supplies. Bald Knob is approximately 10 miles from the area headquarters. There is one pavilion built by the Hurricane Lake Bowhunters Association and donated to the AGFC. Also there is a 28-target field archery range available to the public.


During the summer and early fall, bring plenty of mosquito repellent as the mosquitoes are usually plentiful. Most roads are open to the public and are all-weather gravel roads. Visitors should exercise great caution when traveling these roads, which are narrow and not built for speed. Also, if visiting the area during July, August or September, sportsmen should take extra precautions and watch for log trucks. The area’s many unimproved roads are off limits to vehicular traffic, they are clearly marked with “Road Closed” signs.