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Things to Do

Fiocchi Shooting Sports Complex

Mayflower Range

The Fiocchi Shooting Sports Complex will be closed to the public for all state holidays.

  • The deadline to register to shoot each day is 3:45 p.m.
  • The final cease fire for each day is 4:10 p.m.
  • Gates will close at 4:30 p.m.
  • Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Quick Facts

Known Distance Archery
3-D Archery

About Us

The Fiocchi Shooting Sports Complex is 5 miles east of Mayflower, just north of Hwy. 89 on Camp Robinson Special Use Area.

The range is open to the public from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. The range is closed to the public on Monday and Tuesday and on all official state holidays, and may also close without prior notice due to inclement weather or other incidents that prevent safe operations of the range.  Shooters must check in no later than 3:45 p.m. to be allowed to shoot.  All shooters will cease fire at 4:10 p.m.

The facility includes a 50-yard pistol range, 200-yard rifle range, skeet and trap ranges, known-distance and 3D archery. Fees are $3.00 per person for pistol and rifle ranges and $4.00 per round for skeet or trap (25-shot round).  There is no fee for known-distance or 3D archery.  However, shooters must register prior to shooting.  Range fees include targets, eye and ear protection, and clays for skeet or trap.  Spotting scopes are available for rent for $2.00.   Ammunition is not sold and firearms are not available for purchase or rent at the facility. The range accepts cash or check, but no credit or debit cards, for payment.

  • Violations may result in loss of privileges. 
  • AGFC not liable for injury, death, or property damage.
  • Shooters must register in range house prior to entering firing lane; during peak times, range officers have the authority to assign lanes.
  • No drawing from holster (including concealed/enhanced concealed or open carry customers) 

* See Concealed /Open Carry procedures for additional guidance 

  • No handling firearms when the range is clear. 
  • Tracer and incendiary ammunition of any kind is prohibited. 
  • Shooters are responsible for the conduct of their guests. 
  • Persons causing disturbances may be instructed to leave the property. 
  • Unpaid visitors must stay behind the chain link fence. 
  • Minimum shooting age: 16 (rifle/shotgun), 18 (handgun), 6 to enter firing line; shooters under the age of 16 must be accompanied and remain with and adult (21 or older) at all times.  
  • Rapid fire (more than a single per second) is prohibited. 
  • Drugs and alcohol are prohibited; persons suspected or under the influence are prohibited from shooting. 
  • No smoking on firing lines; smoking must be done at designated smoking areas. 
  • Users are liable for any damage caused to AGFC property. 
  • Return equipment (spotting scopes, rifle rests, etc.) prior to departing range; return rifle range target frames to designated bay; pistol frames to 7-yard line. 
  • During business hours, customers can retrieve their own brass; discarded brass available after hours on a first-come, first-served.
  • Maximum two (2) shooters per rifle bench; additional member of a party must remain at bench at the fence until their turn to shoot. 
  • Only one (1) rifle per bench can fired at a time. 
  • Keep firearms unloaded until pointed downrange and ready to fire; Muzzleloaders stay uncapped until pointed downrange. 
  • When range is cleared, unload rifles into gun rack with actions open and magazines removed; pistols must be placed on firing table with slides locked to the rear and magazines removed/cylinders open. 
  • Wait for range officer’s permission before stepping forward. 
  • No firearms handling when range is clear. 
  • No holstered handguns or quick-draw allowed. 
  • No human silhouette or humanoid targets.
  • Shooters must be capable or accompanied by an individual capable of operating range controls. 
  • Keep firearms unloaded with action open until ready to shoot. 
  • Load firearms only at firing stations with muzzle downrange; one shell at a time, or two for skeet doubles. 
  • Dispose of shotgun shells in provided trash cans. 
  • Skeet and trap ranges may be closed during inclement weather.

The following conditions are set forth for those with open carry or concealed/enhanced concealed carry firearms:

  • Shooting from the draw and/or holster drills are prohibited.
  • Firearms can only be removed from the holster when the range is hotand shooter is on the firing line.
  • When on the firing line, any unconcealed firearms, not in use, must be placed on the firing table with slides locked back, magazines removed, and cylinders open when the range is cleared
  • Loaded firearms must only be returned to the holster, for carry purposes, when the range is hot and while the shooter is still on the firing line.
  • Firearms must remain pointed downrange when uncased or not properly holstered
  • Firearms cannot be handled or drawn when the range is cleared
  • Approval from range staff is required to enter the range house with firearms that are uncased or not holstered
  • There will be no handling of loaded firearms off the firing line or inside the range house without prior approval from the range staff.

Violations of the above procedures can result in temporary or permanent loss of range access privileges.