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Commission Meetings

01/15-16/2025Monthly Commission Meeting
2 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Legal Notice
1/15 Agenda
1/16 Agenda
02/19-20/2025Monthly Commission Meeting
2 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Legal Notice
2/19 Agenda (Updated due to weather changes)

(Due to weather concerns, the commission meeting will be held virtually at the AGFC headquarters in Little Rock on 2/18 instead of the normal Thursday commission meeting. There will be no meetings on Thursday, Feb. 20).
03/19-20/2025Monthly Commission Meeting
2 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Legal Notice
3/19 Agenda
3/20 Agenda
04/16-17/2025Monthly Commission Meeting
DeGray State Park
Legal Notice
05/14-15/2025Monthly Commission Meeting
2 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
06/18-19/2025Monthly Commission Meeting