Wild Science Webinar: March 2023 – CWD Research and Evaluating Florida Bass in Lake Ouachita
BY agfc
ON 03-09-2023

March 9, 2023
The Wild Science Webinar is a monthly series featuring Arkansas Game and Fish Commission staff presenting research and projects about Arkansas fish and wildlife. We have a bit of a change this month as one of our speakers is not an AGFC employee. Marcelo Jorge is a PhD student from the University of Georgia working on an AGFC funded project investigating chronic wasting disease in Arkansas. He will present some early results from his work in a presentation titled “Deer Survival and CWD in the Southeast”. Dr. Chris Middaugh, Research Biologist, will present “Evaluating Florida Bass Stocking in Lake Ouachita: Using Research to Guide Future Efforts”.
Go to Wild Science Webinars to view February 2021 through November 2021.
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