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Bull Shoals Tailwater


Bull Shoals Dam was constructed on the White River in 1952 for flood control and hydroelectric power generation. As with other dams in the southeastern United States, operations from this project created coldwater habitat unsuitable for native fish species. Experimental stockings of rainbow trout and brown trout demonstrated exceptional survival and growth. Regular stockings of these two species began in 1955. The AGFC manages trout fisheries in the White River from Bull Shoals Dam to the Arkansas Highway 58 Bridge at Guion.

Management Plan

In 2017, the AGFC Trout Management Program revisited the fishery management plans for the Norfork and Bull Shoals tailwaters. These plans were created in 2007 and re-evaluated in 2013, with the goals to continue reviewing the plans every five years and adapting, if necessary, to changing conditions. The purpose of this plan is to establish specific goals and objectives, which will guide future management of the trout fisheries in these waters. Central to the plan development process was an intensive public involvement effort used to help ensure the desires and expectations of the angling public were embodied. This plan will be revisited periodically to determine if management objectives were met and to ensure that plan goals are still in line with public values and interests.

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