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Things to Do

Pine Bluff

Governor Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

We are closed on Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Please call 501-712-2947 for more information.

  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Nature Center Offerings

22,000 Gallon Aquarium
Interactive Exhibits
3D Archery Range
Hiking Trails
Watchable Wildlife

Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) spring registration is now open during the following dates:

Date Time
Friday, April 4, 2025 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday, April 5, 2025 8:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday, April 6, 2025 8:00am – 5:00pm

Click here to register and learn more.


About Us

The Delta Rivers Nature Center teaches visitors the Delta’s heritage, wildlife and ecology in both indoor and outdoor settings. The center sits between Lake Saracen and Lake Langhofer. Native fish can be seen in our 22,000 gallon aquarium as well as native reptiles and some amazing birds of prey housed at the facility. While walking out on the trails, you can watch for a large variety of birds, mammals, reptiles and insects, as well as the many interesting and beautiful species of native plants. The Delta Rivers Nature Center is a little bit museum, aquarium, laboratory, nature store, hiking trail, bird-watching facility, wildlife photography location and environmental education facility all rolled into one location.

Admission to the nature center is free thanks to your support of the Amendment 75 Conservation Fund.

Bring the Outdoors Into Your Community

Click here to request AGFC support for community events, education outreach in your school and more.

What’s Inside

A Land Shaped by Rivers

Appreciate this colorful tile mosaic of the Delta and her rivers. The Arkansas Delta is a land made by the constant change in her rivers. This constant state of change creates a unique cast of characters to inhabit its plains – from katydids, cicadas, tree frogs and goat suckers to skunks, rabbits, opossums, bats and deer. Even bobcats, bears, minks, shrews and alligators. Not to mention the bass, paddlefish, gar and sturgeon swimming in her waters.

Delta Rivers Airways (short film)

Hop in our crop-duster and experience the Arkansas Delta from the sky. The Delta is a landscape of meandering rivers on a vast alluvial plain. Most of the natural bottomland forests have been converted into rice, soybeans, cotton, and catfish culture.

The Worthless Swamp?!

You will learn the value of the wetlands and the wildlife who call it home. The wetlands provide a natural flood control, a nursery for fish and shellfish, an area to purify, and filter groundwater, food and habitat for numerous species of wildlife, and also provide recreational opportunities such as boating, duck hunting, and fishing.

Changes to the River

In this exhibit you will see how the Arkansas River flowed more than 150 years ago and how the 1927 flood almost washed Pine Bluff away.

Boathouse Theater (short film)

Have a seat in our rustic boathouse for a behind the scenes look at how the AGFC furthers conservation in the state.

Grounds and Trails

The Delta Rivers Nature Center is located in 130 acres of a bottomland forest, surrounded by the Caney Bayou and Lake Langhofer. The nature center offers more than two miles of trails through the forest, giving ample opportunity to see geese, ducks, snakes, rabbits or even deer quietly feeding. Keep your eyes and ears open for signs of wildlife and don’t forget your binoculars and camera!

Trail Map

Trail Rules

  • No ATVs bicycles, skates or skateboards allowed on the trail.
  • No pets allowed on the trail.
  • Please do not pick plants or flowers.
  • Please do not litter.

Discovery Loop, 0.5  miles

This is the main trail that is paved and ADA accessible. This trail begins at the Birds of Prey Exhibit and wildflower prairie. This open area hosts a lot of native wildflowers and grasses and represents what is known as the Grand Prairie of Arkansas. Tallgrass prairies thrived in the Delta before land was cleared for rice production in the early 20th century. You will be able to see flowers blooming from early spring to late summer, and many insects and birds feeding from these plants.

Shortly after the wildflower prairie you will enter to a bottomland hardwood forest. This type of forest is found along the edge of the Mississippi River Delta, and is subject to frequent flooding. You will be able to spot a tall cottonwood tree among the oaks, sycamores, and pecan trees. You also can appreciate the wetland areas formed by the bayou and lakes.

Whitetail Trail, 0.25 miles

This loop is paved. You will explore more bottomland hardwood forest along of the Black Dog Lake. Look for robins and other song birds feeding along the forrest floor.

Armadillo Trail, 0.25 miles

This short primitive trail is not paved. This trail will take you along Caney Bayou.

Blue Heron Trail, 0.75 mile

This is a primitive trail and is not paved. For the enthusiastic explores, you will discover the home of many wildlife. Keep your eyes and ears open, you never know what you will encounter.

Outdoor Animal Exhibits

Come out to view and observe live Birds of Prey native to Arkansas, including eagles, owls and hawks. From the back porch, you can see our two ponds which host an American Alligator and various Arkansas native turtles. In our outdoor Aquarium, you can meet the fishes and other aquatic animals found from the oxbows to the fast-flowing current areas of the Arkansas River System.

3D Archery Range

The 3D Archery Range offers archers a chance to practice shooting from various distances, tucked under a canopy of Cottonwood and Sugarberry trees. The range has 20 targets varying in sizes from small game to large game. Please check in and out at the front desk of the Nature Center.

Teacher Resources/Plan a Field Trip

The Delta Rivers Nature Center offers recreational and educational classes for people of all grade levels. Along with regular daily, weekly and monthly events, the center offers specialized activities suitable for any nature enthusiast.

Groups may schedule time for classes about Arkansas animals, ecosystems, the Delta and many more. Some feature live animals or biological artifacts. We offer guided trail tours for groups. We’ll bring our classes to you if needed.

The Delta Rivers Nature Center has a variety of resources that can be used across curriculum to enhance many types of lesson plans. Teachers are only limited by their imagination.

Professional Development

Teachers and educators, click on the link below for a list of professional development classes or workshops currently scheduled around the state.

Teacher Program Guide | Planning Your Experience

Conservation education is a fun and enriching experience that awaits you at the Nature Center. Classes that basically fall in the categories below are offered to teachers and students.

  • Wildlife
  • Habitats/Adaptations
  • Guided Hikes
  • Natural History
  • Outdoors Skills

Most of these classes support the state curriculum, and the staff can work with teachers to develop customized programs for your specific age group.

With early scheduling, you onsite visit can include the following opportunities:

To schedule a class or group field trip at the Governor Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center, please review the program guide and submit the reservation form.

Below are examples of classes available at the nature center (and remember we can design a program to meet your needs):

Wildlife Presentations

Students will have an up close and in-personal experience with  live animals or biofacts to learn about native Arkansas wildlife! Animal presentations include snakes, birds of prey, fish and pollinators.  (45 minutes)

Trail Tour

The Delta Rivers trail tour takes your group through our nature trail with many stops to point out unique plants and animals we see along the way. (45 minutes)

Dissection Program

We have the perfect space for your group to complete an onsite dissection! You simply need to book a date, order the preserved animals to be sent to us, and then show up for your class. Typical lab dissection include fish or frogs.

Archery (Outdoor Skills)

We have both inside and outside archery ranges, suitable for grade levels 4th and up, and the equipment needed for your group to learn the skill of archery. Range Rules

Paddling (Outdoor Skills)

With canoes  and kayaks onsite and a nearby lake and bayou, we have easy access to the water. Flatwater canoeing courses can be taught at beginner and intermediate levels – but be prepared to get wet. This option is available for group sizes of 20 or less. (1 hour, 45 minutes)

Other outdoor skills: BB gun/firearm handling, slingshot, survival, orienteering, and bird watching

To schedule a class or group field trip at the Governor Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center, contact us at 501-712-2947 or email Trenton Powell at

Onsite visit

Your onsite visit can include the following, as listed below, provided you have the time. Classes should be broken up into groups of approximately 25.

  • Animal Programs
  • Trail Tour

Nature Center Event Calendar

Have you ever wanted to try hunting or harvest your own food? The Outdoor Skills Network is your one-stop resource for events offered by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and a network of partners who conduct opportunities to engage your outdoor skills in hunting, fishing, trapping, safety, wildlife, marksmanship, and more!

Volunteer Opportunities

The Delta Rivers Nature Center offers a volunteer training program for people interested in assisting or presenting educational programs to school groups. Come and enjoy working with children and teach them about nature.

Get in Touch

For more information regarding the Governor Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center, or to schedule a class or group field trip, give us a call at the phone number above, or send an email and we will contact you.