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Stream Team

Are you a landowner and want to learn more about the Stream Habitat Program? Learn about the resources available on our Stream Habitat Program page.

Youth dedicated to reestablishing Arkansas waterways learn about the importance of restoring banks and stabilizing fish populations, along with forming a special connection with the world around them.

More than 90,000 miles of streams lace The Natural State, from the mighty Arkansas River to small creeks you can jump across. These rivers, streams, bayous, creeks and springs provide millions of hours of recreational activity, millions of gallons of drinking water, water for irrigation and industry, and millions of dollars of income to the state and its citizens.

Unfortunately, we’ve hurt the quality of many waterways. We’ve lost thousands of miles of free-flowing, natural streams to damming, industrial and agricultural pollution and other activities. Recent studies indicate we’ve lost more than 25 percent of the state’s smallmouth bass streams this century.

Education Programs and Workshops

Stream Habitat Coordinators provide information to increase understanding and appreciation of Arkansas stream systems. Volunteers receive training in water-quality monitoring, riparian area management, fish and wildlife habitat improvements, best management practices and streambank maintenance and restoration techniques.

Our Coordinators are willing to work with you and your group to develop an appropriate educational program or workshop. We have worked with kindergarten classes up through senior citizens. These programs and workshops can vary in length from a 30-minute crash course to a multiple day event.

  • Understanding Streams (discusses hydrology, stream dynamics, and aquatic ecosystems.)
  • Macroinvertebrate Identification and what they tell us about Water Quality
  • Water Chemistry (Chemical analysis training for streams, and parameters for the different ecoregions.)
  • Streambank Restoration Techniques and Sediment Reduction
  • The Importance of Riparian Areas and Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • How to correctly Plant a Tree
  • Advocacy Workshop
  • Fish Identification
  • Herpetology (Reptiles and Amphibians) Workshop
  • Mussel Workshop
  • Stream Team Data Management, Analysis and Reporting
  • Arkansas Water Law and Policy

Stream Team Mapper

Click the button below to open Stream Team Mapper.


John Burden

Steam Team Program Coordinator

23 Joe Hogan Lane
Lonoke, AR