In situations where failure to report becomes a chronic issue, enforcement actions will be applied based on the individual circumstances, up to and including revocation of licenses and permits.
Fishing Commercial Harvest Reports

Mandatory Commercial Harvest Reporting
- Report forms are considered late if received after the 15th of the following month.
- Reports can be entered at (Drop leading 0s from CID to login.)
- Paper report forms can be obtained by contacting Mikki Moore at or 501-382-3746.
Commercial Harvest Reporting Frequently Asked Questions
Reporting has been required for all other commercial aquatic harvest methods for many years. Monthly reporting requirements for commercial fishing activities goes into effect January 1, 2022. The reported information will be used by AGFC biologists to better understand and defend continued harvest of these natural resources.
The electronic reporting system is accessible at Paper report forms are also available by contacting the AGFC Fisheries Office at 501-382-3746. Required information for these reports includes: Name and CID number for the harvester; dates, methods, effort, and water body of harvest; and species’ weight and number harvested.
Commercial fishers, roe buyers and turtle harvesters must report their harvest (purchases for roe buyers), or lack therof, each month that they possess a commercial permit on or before the 15th of the following month.
Prior to implementation of revised commercial fishing regulations in 2020 a public comment survey was conducted which included questions about the new reporting requirement for commercial fishers. Most respondents (52%) supported this requirement. The implementation of the reporting regulation was delayed until January 1, 2022 to allow time to develop an electronic database and reporting system.
According to regulations “harvest or lack thereof” must be reported monthly. Each form and the electronic system both have check boxes indicating “Did Not Harvest”, which make it simple to report a lack of effort. This information is need to evaluate the level of effort from month to month and throughout the year.