2025 Outdoor Gear Community Yard Sale

Firearms sales are not permitted.
Looking for “new to you” gear?
Get ready to upgrade your hunting and fishing gear with other passionate outdoorsmen and women! Bring your used hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, camping or boating equipment to sell and shop around with on Saturday, March 15, 2025. Goods can range from new to handmade; we also welcome any vintage and collectible items such as wood decoys, duck calls or antique fishing lures.
Examples of gear include:
- Hunting clothes
- Fishing rods
- Kayaks
- Boat motors
- Hiking gear
- Ammo
- Archery equipment
Reserve Your Spot To Sell
If you are interested in selling goods, please click the nature center closest to you below and learn how to register for the event. Spaces are free and tables will be provided while they last.
People who only wish to buy do not need to register.
To reserve a table to display your goods, please contact destin.smith@agfc.ar.gov. No other reservation required!
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
To reserve a table to display your goods, please contact Elizabeth.Kimble@agfc.ar.gov. No other reservation required!
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
To reserve a table to display your goods, please contact heather.pitman@agfc.ar.gov. No other reservation required!
10 a.m.-2 p.m.